Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Discussion 1: Scan of the Philippine Educational System, Development Sequence of Curriculum Development in the Country, and Constitutional Bases of Education

Raymond Q. Datuon, MEM

New Perspective

            The topic I have discussed was close to my heart and not new to me. The historical and legal foundations of education are very interesting but this time to create a paradigm in presenting the topic has tremendously added more color. The said task has challenged me to come up with an outline paradigm showing the four major institutions that shaped the educational system of the country.

Paradigm of Philippine Educational System
Based on Four Major Institutions

            The paradigm I have created explains the historical foundations of education based on the four major institutions of the society. For me, the institution that has served as my first teacher was my family. It is considered as the smallest social and political unit of the society and played an important role for laying the foundation or core of a progressive nation. It was in family that I have learned the basics for my survival and existence. The values of love, respect, and loyalty were taught by my parents and my other relatives through indoctrination and imitation.
            When I have reached the right age for schooling, my family sent me to school for formal education. It was the second important institution that molded and shaped me as a person. I have learned a lot and received diplomas to certify that I have completed the course of my studies. I am a teacher today because I had finished a bachelor course in secondary education and passed the licensure exam. The school was my second home for it nurtured my intellectual dimension as a person.
            On the other hand, the Church as an institution served as an equalizer with what I have learned at home and school. My family was my domestic church because it is where I got my first idea about God. The Church takes good care of my spiritual dimension as a person and taught me to be of service to others. The values of brotherhood, equality, faith, hope, and charity served as its main core. 
            Likewise, the government dictates the curriculum and educational programs it wishes to implement based from the needs of the society as well as the global trends. The kind of educational systems they will pursue set the mood and pace of economic progress and development. For me, it is the most powerful institution in the society because it can direct the whole educational systems of the country for the given mandate to oversee and manage the education.
            Perhaps, the four major institutions should not compete with one another but work harmoniously. They can be associated to a table with four legs that should have equal length of foot to make the table stand firm and strong. Besides, the goals of education is to make a person capable member of the society for nation-building. I thank Dr. Gomez for challenging me to create a paradigm that can illustrate the outline of my report. And with her help I had developed another paradigm which was more comprehensive in discussing the educational systems of the country.

Comprehensive Paradigm of Philippine Educational Systems

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